• When?

    Thursday Sept. 1st, 2022: 10am-5pm CET

  • Where?

    KBR, keizerslaan 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium (click on the icon for more info)

    More info
  • For whom?

    Open to all members/partners of the ISCOs

  • Language?

    English and French with simultaneous translation

The National Initiatives on Sustainable Cocoa in Europe (ISCOs) are glad to announce a jointly organized live learning conference which will take place in Brussels on September 1st. The ISCOnference aims to inspire and empower ISCO members to adopt, strengthen and scale sustainable approaches.

The event will feature panels and presentations by ISCO members and other high-level speakers from both consuming and producing countries. As poverty is often seen as the root cause of the social and environmental challenges within the sector, the event will put Living Income at the center, making links with the challenges of deforestation, child labour and traceability.


The day will start with a welcome coffee, giving participants the opportunity to get to know each other. Next, all participants will be invited to a high-level opening panel on how to create coherent approaches to reaching a Living Income. Speakers will include Alex Assanvo (Executive Secretary of the Initiative Cacao Côte d’Ivoire-Ghana), Paul Davis (President of the European Cocoa Association), Regis Meritan (Head of the Sector “Agricultural Growth” European Commission), and Abubakar Afful (Program Team Leader, Fairtrade Africa). The opening session will be followed by a first learning session on living income.

After the lunch break, participants will split up in 3 break-out groups: forests & agroforestry, child labour and traceability. Each of these challenges will be treated in relation to the living income challenge. Participants should indicate which break-outs they want to be part of when registering. Please click on the links in the agenda below to find a detailed agenda of the break-out groups, including speakers.

The event will end with a closing session, summarizing key learnings and next steps.

Agenda Point


Welcome Coffee & Chocolate  

Morning Session in Plenary 

10h30 – 10h40 

Welcome Words by Beyond Chocolate Chairman Philippe de Selliers 


Opening panel: “How to create coherent approaches to reaching a Living Income”​​


Moderated reaction by GISCO Vice Chair Evelyn Bahn and SWISSCO Chair Filippo Veglio

11h45- 13h 

Living Income Learning Session: “The importance of Supply and Demand Cooperation” ​​


Lunch break

Afternoon Sessions in Break-Outs 


Deforestation Learning Session: “Making Money Flow to Encourage Climate Smart Interventions: Payments for Environmental Services & Carbon Finance”

  • Inputs by speakers & group discussion


Child Labour Learning Session: “How can we ensure that living incomes contribute to reducing child labour”

  • Inputs by speakers & group discussion


Traceability Learning Session: “Tracing income and price data for a Living Income”

  • Inputs by speakers & group discussion


Coffee & Chocolate break 

Closing Session in Plenary 


Closing panel: “What are the take-aways from today and how do we incorporate them in the ISCO work?”​​


Closing remarks by DISCO Chairman Arjen Boekhold 



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