
  • Cocoa & Forests Initiative Annual Report: Côte d’Ivoire 2019

    The Cocoa & Forests Initiative is a joint partnership of the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, and 35 cocoa and chocolate companies facilitated by IDH, the Sustainable Trade…

    Cocoa & Forests Initiative Annual Report: Côte d’Ivoire 2019
  • Initiative Cacao et Forêts Rapport Annuel: Ghana 2019

    Le Ghana produit environ 20 % du cacao mondial et abrite 6,3 millions d’hectares de forêts, qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans la régulation du climat et la fourniture d’autres…

    Initiative Cacao et Forêts Rapport Annuel: Ghana 2019
  • Cocoa & Forests Initiative Annual Report: Ghana 2019

    Ghana produces approximately 20% of the world’s cocoa and is home to 6.3 million hectares of forests, which play a vital role in regulating climate and providing other critical ecosystem…

    Cocoa & Forests Initiative Annual Report: Ghana 2019
  • IDH 2018 Annual Report: New, inclusive business models for shared value

    The results are in! 2018 was an inspiring year for IDH and partners. Challenges in sustainable production and trade are still immense, but together with our partners…

    IDH 2018 Annual Report: New, inclusive business models for shared value
  • Annual Report 2010

    Annual Report 2010
  • ISLA Kenya Annual Report 2017-18

    Highlights from the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) Kenya for the 2017-18 period. Download publication Download publication…

    ISLA Kenya Annual Report 2017-18
  • Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund – Annual Report 2017-18

    In 2017-18, second year of Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund (GIF), more than one million cotton farmers in India, Pakistan, China, Mozambique, Turkey,Senegal and Tajikistan received training…

    Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund – Annual Report 2017-18
  • Annual Report 2017

    Investing in scalable business models for SDGs In 2017, IDH executed the second year of its 2020 strategic plan. We invested in the Sustainable Development Goals, by driving innovative business…

    Annual Report 2017
  • Malawi 2020 Annual Progress Report 2017

    Download publication Download publication…

    Malawi 2020 Annual Progress Report 2017
  • Annual Report 2016

    Building business cases for impact on global goals 2016 was the first year of implementation of our 2016-2020 strategic plan, aiming to develop, test, and help scale innovative systemic solutions…

    Annual Report 2016