490 results found

  • Over enthusiastic reporter overrates soy MoU…

    With the header: “IDH stops deforestation” Dutch magazine P+ introduced its latest issue, featuring the soy MoU, co-organized by IDH. Soy Director Lucian Peppelenbos: “It is good to be optimistic…

    Over enthusiastic reporter overrates soy MoU…
  • KTDA, IDH and Unilever improve tea farmers livelihoods at scale

    Over 85,000 farmers have been trained on sustainable agricultural practices and Rainforest Alliance certification through Farmer Field Schools (FFS), including over 45,000 women (53%). Resulting in income diversification, higher yields…

    KTDA, IDH and Unilever improve tea farmers livelihoods at scale
  • Brazilian soy producers and EU industry agree on responsible action plan

    Convened by IDH, APROSOJA, ABIOVE, FEDIOL and FEFAC signed a MoU to match visions and align actions to mainstream Brazilian responsible soy production and European market demand. It is the…

    Brazilian soy producers and EU industry agree on responsible action plan
  • Fund to Protect five million hectares Tropical Forests and Trigger 1,6 billion USD Private Investments Launched in Davos

    IDH is incorporating a large Fund to work with investors, companies and local authorities on deforestation-free jurisdictions, and responsibly produced commodities like palm oil, pulp & paper, beef, soy and…

    Fund to Protect five million hectares Tropical Forests and Trigger 1,6 billion USD Private Investments Launched in Davos
  • Nimba, Liberia

    Nimba, Liberia
  • Steven Collet succeeds Ted vd Put in Executive Board

    After almost 7 years co-leading IDH as Executive Board member, Ted van der Put decided to rebalance his work and life in a more sustainable way and step back from…

    Steven Collet succeeds Ted vd Put in Executive Board
  • Race to the Top

    The multi-stakeholder Race to the Top initiative was co-created to reshape the Vietnamese apparel and footwear sector by promoting and enabling locally embedded sustainable manufacturing practices

    Race to the Top
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  • Sustainable palm oil use in Europe

    Europe is the main importer of sustainable palm oil. A monitoring report by ESPO, EPOA and the RSPO shows that in 2015, 2 million mass balance and segregated RSPO certified…

    Sustainable palm oil use in Europe
  • Landscapes in Indonesia that IDH supports: Aceh, South Sumatra & West Kalimantan

    In 2016 IDH decided to move from focusing on segregated commodity supply chains to using a landscape approach to address sustainability at field level. We decided to do this because…

    Landscapes in Indonesia that IDH supports: Aceh, South Sumatra & West Kalimantan