Tagged with "Soy"

  • Over enthusiastic reporter overrates soy MoU…

    With the header: “IDH stops deforestation” Dutch magazine P+ introduced its latest issue, featuring the soy MoU, co-organized by IDH. Soy Director Lucian Peppelenbos: “It is good to be optimistic…

    Over enthusiastic reporter overrates soy MoU…
  • Brazilian soy producers and EU industry agree on responsible action plan

    Convened by IDH, APROSOJA, ABIOVE, FEDIOL and FEFAC signed a MoU to match visions and align actions to mainstream Brazilian responsible soy production and European market demand. It is the…

    Brazilian soy producers and EU industry agree on responsible action plan
  • Fund to Protect five million hectares Tropical Forests and Trigger 1,6 billion USD Private Investments Launched in Davos

    IDH is incorporating a large Fund to work with investors, companies and local authorities on deforestation-free jurisdictions, and responsibly produced commodities like palm oil, pulp & paper, beef, soy and…

    Fund to Protect five million hectares Tropical Forests and Trigger 1,6 billion USD Private Investments Launched in Davos
  • SFTF I&II : Lessons on producing responsibly in Argentina (in spanish)

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    SFTF I&II : Lessons on producing responsibly in Argentina (in spanish)
  • Soy footprint of animal products in Europe

    This document provides an overview of the estimated country specific soy footprint of animal products: pig meat, poultry meat, eggs and dairy milk (including derived products) in Europe between 2012…

    Soy footprint of animal products in Europe
  • RTRS

    IDH considers RTRS as the focal point of all its efforts in the soy sector and in related programs, such as the Mato Grosso landscape program. Since the very start…

  • Market Convening

    Bringing together stakeholders and jointly design and drive sustainable investment plans that create shared value. Sustainability at scale may unfold when all stakeholders: producers, traders, brand, retailers and end-buyers work together motivated by (enlightened) self interested.

    Market Convening
  • Earth Innovation Mato Grosso project

    Who:Earth Innovation Where: 10 municipalities in the Mato Grosso Goal: Developing sustainability plans in 3 municipalities after stakeholder processes in 10 municipalities.

    Earth Innovation Mato Grosso project
  • IPAM

    Implementing Partner: IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute) Where: Mato Grosso (Querencia) Goal: Take the entire municipality to a higher sustainability level. Governance how to get blacklisted farms off…

  • Geospatial analyses of annual crops dynamic in Cerrado biome

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    Geospatial analyses of annual crops dynamic in Cerrado biome