About the conference

Agri-businesses have tremendous power to create green value and decent jobs worldwide. Sustainability is a business opportunity. There is great value in creating more efficiency in sustainable sourcing in supply chains. By doing this effectively, trade can drive change through global supply chains and deliver positive impact on people and environment.

We all agree on the why. Now it is time for the how.

There are funds available to you to prototype new business models with value chain experts. Interested in knowing how to finance and organize sustainable sourcing in your company? You’re invited to join the conference Creating Green Value!

Each player in the value chain faces different challenges, and there is no one solution that fits all.

  • Buyers need to secure sustainable supply supply to meet future demand.
  • Retailer need traceability and transparency to ensure that their products are compliant with sustainability standards.
  • Producers need access to regional and global markets, agri-inputs and services to become more sustainable and profitable.

These different challenges cannot be solved by one company by itself. Learning from your co-competitors; jointly setting goals and working together towards solutions. This, combined with expert knowledge & investments can increase the power of Danish companies to drive sustainability.

This is what we need to deliver on!

IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative is a global convener, co-investor and innovator with over 10 years of experience in working with businesses through their value chains to create viable business models that have social and environmental impact at global scale. The co-organizing partners Danida, The Confederation of Danish Industry and the Danish Agriculture and Food Council have worked with Danish business and know the challenges and the Danish context. Together we will present and discuss concrete sustainability solutions, and explore collaboration and co-investment opportunities for Danish stakeholders.

What can you expect from the Conference?

IDH has a strong track record in transforming markets, as well as creating impact on the ground. Together we will dive into some proven approaches, and how they work. You will hear retailers, traders, producers, and investors sharing their experiences with sustainable sourcing and the concrete actions they took. We welcome you to attend one of the three workshops, giving participants opportunity to see concrete examples of how to engage.

Practical collaboration and delivering on commitments in textiles

Zooming in on the textile industry – Chaired by the Danish Initiative for Ethical Trade (DIEH)

Are you working in the textiles industry? And are you looking to take action on critical sustainability issues in your supply chain? This session brings together Danish companies (apparel retailers) as well as other partners and presents IDH’s work in cotton and apparel. As a thought leader, the Global Fashion Agenda will present key trends and outlook for textiles which every company should be keeping in mind. The workshop will provide an opportunity for brands, development partners and governments to understand how they can further leverage, facilitate and enable progress on cotton and apparel supply chain sustainability, while exploring new topics such as circularity. More information about this workshop here.

The business case for value chain development

Examples in Sourcing for Social Impact from Africa – Chaired by Wensleydale Farms, South Africa

Are you sourcing from Africa, directly or indirectly? Do you know how your products are produced and under what condition? Are you interested in more sustainable, reliable and risk free products? In the Value Chain Approach workshop business opportunities for the companies in Africa will be presented, while challenges in making sustainable commercial transactions with Africa are understood and managed. The workshop will provide opportunities for development partners and governments to understand how they can further leverage, facilitate and enable stable progress on the development of the agricultural value chains that can support increased sustainable trade with Danish companies. More information about this workshop here.

Verified Sourcing Areas (VSAs): a jurisdictional approach

Zooming in on the palm oil sector – Chaired by the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)

Do you buy palm oil? Are you already sourcing sustainable palm oil, and wondering what’s next? Come join the palm oil workshop to learn about what has already happened in Denmark and other European countries, the challenges ahead and discuss new opportunities for impact moving forward. We will introduce you to IDH’s Verified Sourcing Area approach and what this could mean for your company.


The Conference takes place from 12:15 to 17:00.

Download program


  • Rasmus Prehn

    Minister for Development Cooperation, Denmark

  • Ole Thonke

    Head of Department for Growth and Employment, Danish Foreign Ministry

  • Céline Bouquet

    Chief Operating Officer

    IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative

  • Lise Walbom

    Chief Executive Officer at Food Nation Denmark

    Moderator of the conference

  • Magapa Ngako-Phaweni

    Managing Director

    Wensleydale Farms

  • Steve Howard

    Chair at We Mean Business Coalition & former Chief Sustainability Officer at IKEA Group

  • Catalina Eikenberg

    Head of Sustainable Business at Neumann Kaffee Gruppe

  • Lasse Bolander

    Chairman at COOP Denmark

  • Otto Vinther Christensen

    Vice President, Agribusiness

    Investment Fund for Developing Countries, IFU

All practical information

Date: Thursday 28 November
Time: 12h15 to 17h00
Place: Eigtveds Pakhus, Strandgade 25G, DK-1401 Copenhagen, Denmark

For more information please get in contact with idh@conferencecare.dk.

Organizing partners