Are you curious to learn how LDN Fund and TAF work together towards Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)? Read through our projects highlights, lessons learned, and deep dive to our resources in this LDN Insights website. Get ready to be inspired!
below are facts and figures from the LDN Fund and TAF
LDN Fund investments
LDN Fund investees (# project partners) 13Geographic spread (# countries) 14Blended finance committted (in usd) 166,000,000 -
LDN Technical Assistance Facility (TAF)
TA supporting pipeline projects 21TA supporting LDN Fund investees 12TA-supported pipelines invested by LDN Fund 5# project partners -
TA project funding
TAF spending - actuals and committed 2,500,623Project co-funding mobilized 3,331,007(in euro)
About LDN Insights
Gautier Quéru – Fund Director, Mirova
Nienke Stam – Program Director Landscapes Finance, IDH
This LDN Insights landing page shares facts & figures, lessons learned, tools and publications of the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Fund and Technical Assistance Facility (TAF). It is our second joint learning platform, since the LDN Fund and linked TAF were launched at the UNCCD COP 13 in Ordos, China, in 2017.
Read more
Louise Baker – Managing Director of the UNCCD Global Mechanism, UNCCD
Healthy and resilient land is increasingly recognized as the foundation of sustainable growth and prosperity in all regions. It could provide the basis of plans to build back better after the COVID19 pandemic and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Investing for healthy and productive land not only supports sustainable development and protects our shared natural resources but can generate commercially attractive returns.