Tagged with "Cocoa"

  • “A living income for cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire” – Interview with project lead Karen Janssens

    In 2020, Colruyt Group, Puratos, Rikolto, Access Agriculture, and Fairtrade Belgium kicked of an ambitious living income pilot project in San Pedro, Côte d’Ivoire.  The project, funded…

    “A living income for cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire” – Interview with project lead Karen Janssens
  • Tree registration initiative in Ghana hits the air waves

    In November 2023, as part of the Cocoa and Forests Initiative (CFI) – over 20,000 cocoa farmers took part in an interactive radio campaign, designed to raise…

    Tree registration initiative in Ghana hits the air waves
  • (Grond-)stof tot Nadenken

    Download publication Download publication…

    (Grond-)stof tot Nadenken
  • Food for Thought Letter

    On Tuesday 16 January 2024, we are sending a letter together with our Dutch private sector partners to the newly sworn-in Members of Parliament in the Netherlands. In this letter,…

    Food for Thought Letter
  • Innovative Premium Mechanism Drives Sustainable Agroforestry Transformation in Cocoa Supply Chain

    Innovative Premium Mechanism Drives Sustainable Agroforestry Transformation in Cocoa Supply Chain
  • Action through collaboration: Highlights from the IDH Market Transformation Summit 2023

    More than 240 participants took part in the IDH partnership…

    Action through collaboration: Highlights from the IDH Market Transformation Summit 2023
  • When Cocoa and Forest Preservation go hand in hand in Cameroon

    This article was originally published in Le Monde Co-funded by IDH and Telcar Cocoa Ltd, the Ascokyb project in Cameroon aims to help farmers diversify their income by planting…

    When Cocoa and Forest Preservation go hand in hand in Cameroon
  • Towards Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Agroforestry Transition in Wider Tai Forest Area, Côte d’Ivoire

    The Wider Tai Forest Landscape in Côte d’Ivoire is facing numerous challenges including deforestation, intense heat, irregular rainfall, to name a few. As Cocoa farmer, Bébé Christine puts it,…

    Towards Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Agroforestry Transition in Wider Tai Forest Area, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Implementing the European regulation on deforestation-free products: Solutions for the palm oil, cocoa and coffee sectors

    While the EU regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR) is an important step towards combatting deforestation globally, it will come at a cost to operators selling products on the EU market. And it may lead them to adopt sourcing strategies that exclude smallholder farmers from their supply chains. However, smallholder farmers’ inclusion in European supply chains is key to ensuring they are not left to sell to other markets at a lower price – thereby jeopardizing their livelihoods and, ultimately, forests. The optimal way forward is to allow them to benefit from access to the European market and to leverage the regulation as an incentive to keep forests intact. The timing for developing effective interventions is limited and should rely on the solutions that have already been tried and tested. IDH has co-designed with the private sector a number of programs to ensure that the EUDR will not incentivize disengagement from areas with high deforestation risks, nor the exclusion of the most marginalized smallholder farmers from European supply chains. These solutions are designed through public-private collaborative processes, and aim to be replicated and brought to scale over the coming years.

    Implementing the European regulation on deforestation-free products: Solutions for the palm oil, cocoa and coffee sectors
  • A Better Income for a Better Environment

    A Better Income for a Better Environment