Tagged with "Impact – smallholder inclusion"

  • Press release – IDH and Conservation International Partner to Support Green COVID-19 Recovery and Sustainable Supply Chains

    IDH and Conservation International Partner to Support Green COVID-19 Recovery and Sustainable Supply Chains Arlington, VA (June 17, 2020) – Today, Conservation International and IDH – The Sustainable…

    Press release – IDH and Conservation International Partner to Support Green COVID-19 Recovery and Sustainable Supply Chains
  • Block Farming Model

    IDH has developed the block farming model, rethinking the traditional supply-demand relationship to support more reliable sourcing of cassava roots to processing factories. The block farming model is a structure…

    Block Farming Model
  • IDH’s block farming model explained

    In a recently published guide, we look at how IDH’s block farming model is being used to tap into the unfulfilled potential of Nigeria’s cassava industry. We look at what…

    IDH’s block farming model explained
  • Biodiversity makes business sense: International Day for Biological Diversity

    The Leuser ecosystem is one of the only places in the world where orangutans, elephants, tigers, sun bears and rhinos co-exist in the wild. In the buffer zone of the Leuser Ecosystem in Aceh Tamiang, local smallholders and communities are restoring degraded lands by planting fruit trees, vegetables and hardwood trees. This contributes to increased biodiversity while providing alternative income sources for the smallholders.

    Biodiversity makes business sense: International Day for Biological Diversity
  • Honey farms in West Kalimantan enjoy increased demand during COVID-19

    The demand for honey produced by Padang Tikar village forest in Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan (Indonesia) has increased by 500% during the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents of populous West Java and East Java have increased their consumption of honey, vitamin C and D3 as they believe this will boost their immune system. The honey is produced by Indonesian villagers who took up honey farming in 2018 as part of a community-based forest management initiative.

    Honey farms in West Kalimantan enjoy increased demand during COVID-19
  • Block farming model

    Block farming model
  • Insights Report: Service Provision as a Viable Business

    Learn about how our partners are getting sustainable returns for their business, while empowering farmers through service delivery. This report shares our most complete findings on commercially…

    Insights Report: Service Provision as a Viable Business
  • PPI Compact signed: Aceh Tamiang to become sustainable production region as 1st step towards VSA

    Aceh Tamiang will improve Sustainable Palm Oil Yield by 30% through a PPI (Production, Protection, Inclusion) Compact as a first step towards Aceh Tamiang becoming a…

    PPI Compact signed: Aceh Tamiang to become sustainable production region as 1st step towards VSA
  • IDH Farmfit webinar December 11th: closing the smallholder finance gap

    Providing access to finance to smallholders remains a challenge. Join our webinar and find out how organizations solve this in the field!

    IDH Farmfit webinar December 11th: closing the smallholder finance gap
  • Brewing up climate resilience in the coffee sector

    This resource provides clarity, on the most pressing challenges related to changing climate in coffee. It highlights opportunities through examples of successful interventions, and catalyzes investments, by connecting coffee industry…

    Brewing up climate resilience in the coffee sector