493 results found

  • Farmfit – Investing in Inclusive Agribusiness (short)

    Farmfit is a game changing private-public initiative set to break the cycle of rural agricultural poverty. By providing data, insights and de-risking finance to banks and businesses, Farmfit enables investment…

    Farmfit – Investing in Inclusive Agribusiness (short)
  • Animation: What are Verified Sourcing Areas (VSAs)?

    Animation explaining Verified Sourcing Areas – a new area-based mechanism to accelerate production and uptake of sustainable commodities globally.

    Animation: What are Verified Sourcing Areas (VSAs)?
  • Can Champagne help us think bigger on sustainability?

    With reports of commodity-driven deforestation accelerating, sustainability in countries like Brazil and Indonesia needs a regional approach similar to that enjoyed by gourmet brands like Champagne.

    Can Champagne help us think bigger on sustainability?
  • IDH publishes book on Collaborative Transformation

    What does it take to make real change toward sustainability in international trade? On November 15, IDH celebrated its 10 years of driving partnerships…

    IDH publishes book on Collaborative Transformation
  • Het IDH 10 Year Event: Opening door Koningin Máxima, Joost Oorthuizen en Minister Kaag

    RTL Z heeft tijdens het 10 Year Event gefilmd en items gemaakt over de verschillende onderwerpen die tijdens de dag aan bod kwamen. Bekijk hier het verslag waarin Joost Oorthuizen,…

    Het IDH 10 Year Event: Opening door Koningin Máxima, Joost Oorthuizen en Minister Kaag
  • Highlights 10 years IDH

    The opening video of the IDH 10 Year Event with highlights of the past 10 years and what is yet to come. 500+ public and private stakeholders brought together. 250…

    Highlights 10 years IDH
  • IDH launches 30M EUR Farmfit Business Support Facility and 100M EUR Farmfit Fund, backed by Dutch government and US treasury guarantee

    Businesses, banks and donors jointly invest in profitable smallholder value chains Today, IDH launches the 100 M EUR IDH Farmfit Fund and 30M EUR IDH Farmfit Business Support facility.

    IDH launches 30M EUR Farmfit Business Support Facility and 100M EUR Farmfit Fund, backed by Dutch government and US treasury guarantee
  • Catalyzing Commercial Investments

    IDH works with business, international and local financial institutions, to shift the risk-return profile of investments into the SDGs. Watch our latest short video to hear from some of our…

    Catalyzing Commercial Investments
  • IDH traz visão de parceiros do Programa de Produção Sustentável de Bezerros

    O programa “Produção Sustentável de Bezerros” tem como objetivo oferecer aos produtores de carne do Mato Grosso ferramentas que permitam melhorar os resultados do segmento da cria nos aspectos econômico,…

    IDH traz visão de parceiros do Programa de Produção Sustentável de Bezerros
  • Seminário discute desafios do crédito rural no Brasil

    O Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) promoveu no dia 24 de setembro o seminário “Desafios para o Crédito Rural no Brasil”, realizado na sede do Banco Central, em Brasília (DF). A…

    Seminário discute desafios do crédito rural no Brasil