59 results found for "VSA"

  • América Latina conoce detalles sobre el modelo de Áreas de Origen Verificadas

    IDH realizó el 09 de septiembre un webinar sobre el modelo de Áreas de Origen Verificadas (VSA – sigla en inglés), teniendo como audiencia prioritaria, a países de América…

    América Latina conoce detalles sobre el modelo de Áreas de Origen Verificadas
  • América Latina conhece detalhes sobre modelo de Áreas de Originação Verificadas

    A IDH realizou, no dia 09 de setembro, um webinar sobre o modelo de Áreas de Originação Verificadas (VSA – sigla em inglês), tendo como audiência prioritária, países da…

    América Latina conhece detalhes sobre modelo de Áreas de Originação Verificadas
  • IDH, RySS partnership Awarded Under P4G’s Green Growth Initiative

    The Sustainable Sourcing at Scale Partnership between IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative and Rythu Sadhikara Samstha (RySS) is one of the seven partnerships that have been granted funding under P4G’s…

    IDH, RySS partnership Awarded Under P4G’s Green Growth Initiative
  • Latin America gets to know details about the Verified Sourcing Area model

    On September 9, the IDH held a webinar on the Verified Sourcing Area model, which had countries of Latin America as a priority audience. The purpose of the event,…

    Latin America gets to know details about the Verified Sourcing Area model
  • IDH launches first Verified Sourcing Area pilot in Mato Grosso, Brazil

    IDH and partners have launched the Verified Sourcing Areas (VSAs) concept and first readiness pilot in Mato Grosso state in Brazil at the “Future of Sustainable Trade” conference in Utrecht…

    IDH launches first Verified Sourcing Area pilot in Mato Grosso, Brazil
  • 5 Highlights of 2018

    As we close off 2018 and prepare ourselves for winter holidays, we reflect on the past year. What did we learn? Where did we succeed, sometimes beyond expectations? And what…

    5 Highlights of 2018
  • Soy

    Uptake rate of sustainable production by program partners Linking producers with markets to mitigate deforestation in the soy supply chain The IDH soy program aims to reduce deforestation by making…

  • Highlights of the IDH 10 year event

    Highlights of the IDH 10 year event
  • Jokowi inaugurates 4,446 ha smallholder oil palm replanting

    The President of the Republic of Indonesia has inaugurated a program to replant 4,446 hectare of oil palm plantation for smallholder farmers in South Sumatra, part of the sustainable landscape…

    Jokowi inaugurates 4,446 ha smallholder oil palm replanting
  • Verified Sourcing Areas: Reaching sustainability at scale

    This blog was originally posted on Global Landscapes Forum.   Optimizing sustainable production of agricultural commodities. Rising global demand for responsibly produced agricultural commodities means that businesses and governments in…

    Verified Sourcing Areas: Reaching sustainability at scale