160 results found

  • Réalisations de l’Initiative Cacao et Forêts en 2019 et priorités pour 2020

    Novembre 2019 a marqué le deuxième anniversaire de la signature du Cadre d’Action Commune de l’Initiative Cacao et Forêts (ICF). A cette occasion, le plus haut organe de…

    Réalisations de l’Initiative Cacao et Forêts en 2019 et priorités pour 2020
  • Publication des résultats du premier pilote de recensement en forêts classées en Côte d’Ivoire

    Une des activités clés de l’Initiative Cacao & Forêts concerne la collecte de données socio-économiques sur les producteurs de cacao et les communautés dépendants de ces forêts. Ces…

    Publication des résultats du premier pilote de recensement en forêts classées en Côte d’Ivoire
  • 2030 Action Plan for the Cocoa, Forests and Peace Initiative in Colombia

    Bogotá, September 2019 One year after the launch of the Cocoa, Forests & Peace Initiative in Colombia, an ambitious 2030 Action Plan (in Spanish) was released in…

    2030 Action Plan for the Cocoa, Forests and Peace Initiative in Colombia
  • Release of the results of the first pilot census in classified forests in Côte d’Ivoire

    One of the key activities of the Cocoa & Forests Initiative is the collection of socio-economic data on cocoa producers and forest-dependent communities. These data help to have a better…

    Release of the results of the first pilot census in classified forests in Côte d’Ivoire
  • CFI achievements in 2019 and priorities for 2020

    November 2019 marked the 2-year anniversary of the signing of the Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI) Joint Framework for Action. On the occasion, the highest decision body of the CFI…

    CFI achievements in 2019 and priorities for 2020
  • Bringing CFI to the field in Ghana

    For the commitments of the Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI) to become more than commitments, they need to be translated to all stakeholders. In October 2019, the Cocoa & Forests…

    Bringing CFI to the field in Ghana
  • Podcast: Reflections on 1 year Beyond Chocolate

    Beyond Chocolate celebrated its 1 year anniversary on December 5. The Belgian industry wide commitment works towards ending deforestation and realizing living incomes in cocoa in 2030. We hear…

    Podcast: Reflections on 1 year Beyond Chocolate
  • Agenda: First year anniversary, Beyond Chocolate

    08:30 – 09:00 Registration and coffee 09:00 – 09:30 Welcome by Beyond Chocolate’s Steering Committee chair Patrick Hautphenne 09:30 – 09.45 Convening Beyond Chocolate by IDH CEO Joost…

    Agenda: First year anniversary, Beyond Chocolate
  • About the Beyond Chocolate Steering Committee

    The Beyond Chocolate Partnership is guided by a multi-actor steering Committee. It provides strategic guidance on the implementation and direction of the Belgian Sustainable Chocolate Programme. The main role of…

    About the Beyond Chocolate Steering Committee
  • Becoming a member of Beyond Chocolate

    The “Beyond Chocolate” initiative is explicitly open to new partners who wish to join and contribute in a meaningful way. New signatories will each time be invited to step up and…

    Becoming a member of Beyond Chocolate