Tagged with "Farmfit Innovation"

  • Guide: IDH Farmfit Segmentation Tool

    IDH Farmfit has a free tool to increase the effectiveness and profitability of both agricultural and financial services provided to smallholder farmers. The IDH Farmfit Segmentation Tool leverages the information…

    Guide: IDH Farmfit Segmentation Tool
  • Blog: Innovative Models for Market Transformation

    Lessons from IDH Farmfit Smallholder agriculture markets are typically beset by a series of challenges, many of which are systemic by nature – a situation that has only been exacerbated…

    Blog: Innovative Models for Market Transformation
  • Workshop: Strengthening agricultural value chains through increased responsible fertilizer use: Lessons from a workshop in Uganda

    Low fertiliser usage is particularly acute in Uganda, with fertiliser usage rates amongst the lowest in sub-Saharan Africa contributing to reduced agricultural productivity. In February 2020, IDH Farmfit and Coffee…

    Workshop: Strengthening agricultural value chains through increased responsible fertilizer use: Lessons from a workshop in Uganda
  • Action Report: Sowing the Seeds of Innovation for Smallholder Finance

    The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting our global food systems, affecting the lives of millions of farmers. It is a critical time to rebuild, to become more…

    Action Report: Sowing the Seeds of Innovation for Smallholder Finance
  • Guide: Integrating data into farmers’ decision making – Lesson from Asia

    FaThis Farmfit report is about how to support farmer’s transitions to data-backed agriculture, through the use of Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS). It entails a summary of choices,…

    Guide: Integrating data into farmers’ decision making – Lesson from Asia
  • Insights Report: Service Provision as a Viable Business

    Learn about how our partners are getting sustainable returns for their business, while empowering farmers through service delivery. This report shares our most complete findings on commercially…

    Insights Report: Service Provision as a Viable Business
  • Insight Brief: Commercially viable and impactful smallholder services

    We aim to catalyze a competitive marketplace of companies providing smallholder farmers with a choice of affordable, inclusive and high-quality services. For this we are building a common understanding of…

    Insight Brief: Commercially viable and impactful smallholder services
  • Report: Farmer and Local trader-led service delivery models

    IDH developed a data driven methodology to analyze service models and improve the quality of our investments. We wanted to better understand the conditions that make services to smallholder farmers…

    Report: Farmer and Local trader-led service delivery models
  • Farmfit

    Farmfit is a game changing private-public initiative set to break the cycle of rural agricultural poverty. By providing data, insights and de-risking finance to banks and businesses, Farmfit enables investment in smallholder agriculture that were previously perceived too risky.
