We’ll be joined by key producers, global brands, development partners, and NGOs. Check back for regular updates on speakers. Confirmed speakers include:
Alice Allan has 20 years’ experience working for equality and decent work. She specialises in facilitating engagement between the private sector, civil society and government. She also works at Business Fights Poverty as Challenge Director.
Alice Allan
Sudi Biko Matara is the Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) Foundation, a subsidiary of KTDA Holdings Ltd. He oversees the Group’s Corporate Social Investments as part of organisational business sustainability.
Claude Bizimana is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB). Claude strives to establish cooperation with regional and international organisations with the aim of improving operations in the tea value chain and collaboration among stakeholders.
Claude Bizimana
National Agricultural Export Development Board
Andy Brown joined Bettys & Taylors of Harrogate as Group Finance Director in 2001, becoming Managing Director of Taylors of Harrogate in 2009. Andy is also a member of the Collaborative CEO, a group of five key executives, who take shared responsibility for the organisational strategy and development of the Bettys & Taylors Group.
Andy Brown
Taylors of Harrogate
Jenny Costelloe leads the Ethical Tea Partnership’s (ETP) global team to drive long-term, systemic change across three areas in tea – economics, equality and environment. She has extensive experience in delivering sustainable development through multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Jenny Costelloe
Ethical Tea Partnership
John Davison joined Unilever in March 2021 as Chief Executive Officer of its tea business which was renamed ekaterra in July. John is a highly accomplished and experienced international business leader with a diverse background in several consumer product companies.
John Davison
Dr Paula Hamilton is the Ethical Trading Initiative’s (ETI) Head of Collective Action, leading the organisation’s collective action with its members in response to Human Rights at work abuses and proactive strategies for innovation, policy change and other areas linked to ETI’s mission and vision.
Dr Paula Hamilton
Ethical Trading Initiative
Manisha Majumdar is the Women’s Safety Accelerator Fund Manager at IDH. The Fund will accelerate the scale of the UN Women ‘Global Women’s Safety Framework in Rural Spaces’.
As Chair of the Ethical Tea Partnership, David Meek is interested in utilising his wealth of knowledge and expertise to help the Ethical Tea Partnership build on its strategic partnerships to address deep-rooted issues in tea supply chains.
David Meek
Ethical Tea Partnership
Jordy van Honk works as global director agriculture commodities at IDH. In this role, he leads the IDH sector programs in cocoa, tea and coffee, and has a specific focus on engaging business on the themes of living wage and living income. Jordy is part of the management team of IDH.
As Head of Operations, Accountability and Monitoring for ACT on Living Wages, Bea Ruoff leads the work on responsible purchasing practices – from development to monitoring and accountability measures – and oversees operations of the foundation.
Bea Ruoff
Act on Living Wages
Dr Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah has been Chief Executive Officer of Oxfam GB since January 2019. Prior to that he spent six years as Secretary General of CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance. He has previously been Director General of the Royal Commonwealth Society, Interim Director of the Commonwealth Foundation and held various posts at the Institute for Public Policy Research.
Danny Sriskandarajah
Oxfam GB