Where we are
IDH currently support initiatives in the states of Mato Grosso, Maranhão, Pará, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, financing the development of green growth plans, Regional Compacts, field programs and Rural Producer Support Centers. See more details below.
Green Growth Plans
GGP’s formalize, on a jurisdictional level, long-term commitments that include land-use plans and policies to reduce deforestation and increasing reforestation, while intensifying agricultural production.
Produce, Conserve and Include (PCI) State Strategy – PCI Institute
The PCI Strategy aims to improve territorial governance in the states of Mato Grosso, Pará, and Maranhão by consolidating long-term coalitions with robust governance and transparency mechanisms.
Through our landscape program in Brazil, we support the government of Mato Grosso’s ambitious green growth strategy, PCI. In Mato Grosso, this strategy was announced at the Paris COP21, 2015, and plans to increase agricultural production and efficiency; conserve remaining natural vegetation; and improve the socioeconomic inclusivity of smallholder farmers and local communities by 2030.
Read the PCI Pitchbook and see the PCI monitor webpage to learn more.
Mato Grosso PCI Goals & Selected Targets for 2030

Beef Cattle:
- Recover 2.5M ha of degraded pasture and double kg/ha.
- Raise the productivity from 50 to 95kg/ha/year.
- Expand the areas of grains in areas of degraded pasture from 9,5 to 12,5 million ha.
- Raise the production of grains from 50 to 92 Mton.
Native Forest:
- Expand the area under sustainable forest management from 2,8 to 6 million ha.
Planted Forest:
- Expand the planted forest areas in already opened areas from 317,000 to 800 mil ha.
- Increase timber production from 4,9 million m2 to 11,75 million m2.

- Maintain 60% of native vegetation coverage.
- 90% reduction of forest deforestation, using the baseline: 2001 – 2010 (PRODES) of 5714 km, reaching 571 km2 per year.
- 95% reduction in Cerrado deforestation using the baseline of 3016 km2 (SEMA), reaching 150 km2/year.
- Eradicate illegal deforestation.
- Conserve 1 million ha of areas that are likely to be legally deforested.
Environmental Regulation:
- Register 90% of the rural properties (CAR)
- Validate 100% of CAR declared
- Recompose 1 million ha (100%) of degraded APP
- Regulate 5,8 million ha (100%) of Legal Reserve, being 1,9 million ha by reconstitution.

Production and Inclusion in the Market:
- Expand Technical Assistance attendance and Rural Extension (ATER) or family farming from 30% to 100% of families.
- Increase the participation of smallholder farms in the internal market from 20% to 70%.
- Accelerate the participation of smallholder farm products in al institutional markets from 15% to 30%.
- Increase the access to credit from R$ 411 million to R$ 1,3 billion/year.
Land Regularization:
- Implement land regularization with 70% of farming families.
PCI Regional Compacts
- Ensure that sustainability does not stop at the farm gate or at a sub-landscape-level, but is implemented throughout the whole landscape.
- Offer a landscape-level governance mechanism, to ensure that forests are protected in the long run, while the needs of communities are catered for.
- Help to go beyond individual stakeholder initiatives, with development of agendas and action plans with shared ownership and clear roles & responsibilities.
- Offer a guarantee to buyers and investors that environmental issues are addressed at the landscape-level:
Compacts offer a safer environment for investors to invest in PCI deals (i.e. multi-stakeholder coalition, shared land use plans, and PCI targets ensure that the drivers of deforestation are being addressed at a landscape level, beyond sub-landscapes). For buyers, a Compact can also be linked to the creation of a Verified Sourcing Area through the SourceUp model.
(Note that the PCI Regional Compact doesn’t imply that the plan defined in the compact will be financed by a specific fund).
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