© Ivens Domingos/ IDH
An overview of initiatives that support corporate engagement in Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Launched at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015 , the Produce, Conserve, Include (PCI) strategy aims to promote economic and social development in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, through efficient land use.
Its vision sets ambitious targets to increase productivity across the state while maintaining native vegetation and reducing deforestation.
The PCI Pitchbook offers tangible ways for companies to join this effort through jurisdictional approaches to curb their deforestation and carbon footprint.
Download the pitchbook to see how you can get involved in on-the-ground programs by IDH and others to drive sustainable development at scale.
This pitch book aims to provide a “menu” of some of the on-the-ground programs in Mato Grosso that are ripe for corporate engagement. The goal is to make it simple for companies to understand how they can connect their supply chain efforts to the broader Mato Grosso PCI strategy to contribute to its success and achieve their own supply chain goals.
Fernando Sampaio
Executive Director, PCI Institute