Impact is at the core of everything we do. We measure the impact of our work so we can learn, adapt and change our approaches if needed.

How we measure our progress

With the help of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and KPMG, IDH has developed a unique theory-based methodology to gradually gather evidence on our contribution to sustainable development.

At the core of this methodology is an intervention logic for each of our impact themes which map out our expected causal relationships between IDH support activities and the final outputs, outcomes, and impacts. To test the rationale of each intervention logic and identify potential gaps, we gradually gather evidence through literature reviews, stakeholder surveys and interviews. On top of that there are two main ways in which we measure our progress, one is through collecting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from all our programs and the other is through third-party impact research.

  • RMF

    Through our Result Measurement Framework we collect data on our key performance indicators for changes in output and outcome level.

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  • Impact Research

    We gradually gather impact evidence though in-depth impact research for some of our proofs of concepts.

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    Impact Research

Towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Across all our interventions we have defined five cross cutting impact themes that help us reach the SDGs. They streamline the learning among our partners and create big change in the areas that need it most, sector governance, business practices and field level sustainability. Click through to learn more about our impact strategy for each theme.

Evidence of our work

Our 2016-2020 impact research offers an overview of the evidence we gathered so far on IDH's contributions to public good impacts. IDH impact is measured every 4 years, with a new publication reporting on our contributions to public good impact coming out in 2024.

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