Tagged with "Brazil"

  • Fondo Farmfit visita Colombia para identificar nuevas oportunidades de inversión en América Latina

    Como parte de la abertura de nuevas oportunidades para inversiones de impacto en América Latina y el apoyo al desarrollo de pequeños agricultores en la región, el Director de Inversiones…

    Fondo Farmfit visita Colombia para identificar nuevas oportunidades de inversión en América Latina
  • IDH, Grupo Carrefour Brasil y CNA lanzan Protocolo de Producción Sustentable de Terneros

    Desarrollado en el campo, en un ambiente de incubadora de innovaciones y creación colaborativa, el Protocolo llega para transformar la realidad de la ganadería brasileña al apoyar la inclusión de…

    IDH, Grupo Carrefour Brasil y CNA lanzan Protocolo de Producción Sustentable de Terneros
  • European Soy Monitor Report

    Sustainable soy uptake in Europe increased from 42.2% in 2019 to 43.8% in 2020. The 2020 European Soy monitor examines EU27+ (European, UK, Norwegian, and Swiss) imports of sustainable soy.

    European Soy Monitor Report
  • Turning Europe’s good intentions into effective action to stop deforestation

    It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and the same is true when it comes to international efforts to halt deforestation. This week, the IPCC released its Sixth Assessment Report, once again highlighting the key role of forest protection in mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts. Despite decades of such advice and well-meaning policy, we’re still losing our remaining forests at an alarming rate.

    Turning Europe’s good intentions into effective action to stop deforestation
  • IDH, Carrefour Group Brazil and CNA launch Protocol for Sustainable Production of Calves

    The Protocol has been developed in the field to transform Brazilian livestock farming by supporting the inclusion of breeders in need of technical assistance and credit IDH (The Sustainable Trade…

    IDH, Carrefour Group Brazil and CNA launch Protocol for Sustainable Production of Calves
  • AGRI3 Sector Paper Brazil – Soy and beef

    Supporting the mobilisation of funds from commercial banks to finance forest conservation and sustainable agriculture in Brazil.   In partnership with IDH and Rabobank, AGRI3 is working…

    AGRI3 Sector Paper Brazil – Soy and beef
  • Learning from Landscapes

    Landscape approaches and their impact Evaluating IDH efforts in creating cohesive conservation Following five years of IDH’s Landscape Program, KIT Royal Tropical Institute and Unique Land Use carried…

    Learning from Landscapes
  • IDH welcomes partners for a special moment!

    IDH held a special meeting with the teams and partners of Brazil and Colombia at the end of November in Campinas-SP. This was the first face-to-face meeting after 20 months…

    IDH welcomes partners for a special moment!
  • IDH launches the SourceUp platform that connects sustainable production landscapes with consumer markets

    After 4 years of extensive work involving multiple stakeholders, in December, IDH launched its global platform SourceUp, which connects producing landscapes with consuming markets. SourceUp is a neutral collaboration platform…

    IDH launches the SourceUp platform that connects sustainable production landscapes with consumer markets
  • Partners in the Productive and Sustainable AgroColombia Initiative start dialogue on living income

    A webinar hosted by IDH shared with members of the Productive and Sustainable AgroColombia Initiative and other stakeholders the basic concepts of living income and the importance of having this…

    Partners in the Productive and Sustainable AgroColombia Initiative start dialogue on living income