Since the submission of the proposal to establish the Produce, Conserve and Include (PCI) Compact for the Balsas Region-MA on the 10th of July 2020, Fapcen and IDH have set up a connection to maximize the number of partners interested in supporting the initiative.
Last month, seven new members signed their adhesion to the Compact, reinforcing the group of players engaged in the proposal which aims to promote the development of the territory through actions in the areas of sustainable production, conservation of natural resources, and social inclusion.
“Most of Brazil’s production of grains and fibers originates in the region, which makes up one of the largest national agricultural frontiers, the MATOPIBA. Therefore, having farmers, governments, civil society, and markets supporting the development of the landscape strategy in the Balsas region is key to establish a new sustainable and inclusive path”, says Daniela Mariuzzo, executive director of IDH Brazil and of the Sustainable Landscapes Programme in Latin America.
The consolidation of the new members took place during the 1st Family Agribusiness Workshop, held between September 27 and October 1, on the Sol Nascente farm in the municipality of Balsas, by Fapcen, the organization that leads the implementation of the Compact in the region.
Conceived as a form of technology transfer focused on small-scale farmers, the event brought together around 1,500 participants, made up of caravans of family farmers from 18 municipalities and communities in the Balsas region. They displayed handicrafts and homemade products, took part in courses, training, and lectures, and saw showcases of different crops that can be implemented to diversify production and improve income and the development of family agribusiness. Embrapa researchers and Fapcen technicians also answered questions about planting, management and harvesting, seed quality, soil analysis, and even the genetics of species that are more adaptable to the conditions in the region.
For Fapcen’s superintendent, Gisela Introvini, the event is a continuation of the work developed by the foundation, following the example of Agrobalsas, including family agribusiness and business agribusiness. “We have had considerable progress since the launch of the PCI Compact by Fapcen and its partners. We hope that from 2022 onwards we will start implementing more actions to achieve the expected goals in order to reduce social differences as fast as technology advances. The public has shown interest in making this happen,” he celebrated.
New signatories of the Balsas Region PCI Compact
Secretary of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Sergio Delmiro, Secretary of State for Family Agriculture, Rodrigo Lago, President of AGERP (Maranhão State Agency for Agricultural Research and Rural Extension), Julio Mendonça, Mayor of Sambaíba, Fatima Dantas, Mayor of São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, Accioly Cardoso, Mayor of Nova Colinas, Josey Rego, Vice-President of the Brazilian Federation of No-Till Planting for the State of Maranhão, Paulo Kreling.
Learn more about the Balsas Region PCI Compact here.