IDH e parceiros continuam avançando na implementação de Pactos Regionais no Mato Grosso e Pará

The IDR and its implementing partners, Natcap and Imazon (Institute of Man and the Environment of the Amazon Region), have advanced with the implementation of the Pact in the regions of the Valley Juruena (MT) and in the municipalities of Sorriso (MT) and Paragominas (PA).

Mato Grosso

In the Juruena Valley, the goals have already been defined, as well as the establishment of a Steering Committee, to initiate the discussions and structuring of the governance and planning of the implementation of the actions. Natcap started the actions of this phase with the Local Committees and the expectation is that by the end of this year a governance design will be established to reach the goals defined for the region.

The HDI is also working to identify investment needs in key local production chains, which will be consolidated into an opportunity pipeline for banks and investors. “It is important to know very well the real needs of local investment, to subsidize the development of financial instruments more appropriate to the reality of the producers, and to bring to the pact actors capable of giving permanence and sustainability to the strategies of development of the chains” , says the Manager of Investments of the IDH, Marcela Paranhos.

Still in the structuring phase, the Smile Pact already has excellent results in the engagement and mobilization of key actors. Natcap started the discussions to define the general lines of action for the municipality and is also focused on the mapping of the region (Scoping) where, based on updated land use maps, it will be possible to establish proposals for goals for the region. By the end of September, the “Letter of Intent” must be signed by key actors in the region with the directions to be followed.


In the municipality of Paragominas, with the support of Imazon, the proposed goals have already been elaborated and the Pact is in the final structuring phase, with the revision and validation of the goals by the key actors of the region, institution of the Local Committee and signature of the Pact Regional. The prediction is that by December the Regional Pact of Paragominas be signed and launched.