To strengthen understanding and action towards gender empowerment and inclusion at the project level, IDH with support from Sattva Consulting has developed a training toolkit for building capacity for field-level staff towards gender core concepts and gender-based violence. The toolkit aims to equip the field workers with knowledge and tools to create gender sensitization among the farming communities in India.
The toolkit comprises three modules gender core concepts; gender-based violence, and gender analysis and planning.
The first module helps in creating an understanding of fundamental gender concepts and discrimination and the barriers it creates for women in their work and lives. The second module on gender-based violence makes the trainees aware of forms of GBV including domestic violence, sexual harassment in public spaces, and workplaces; and its impact.
The third module on gender analysis and planning helps trainees in identifying strategies and tools within their scope, context, and spheres of influence that they can use or access to address, prevent and intervene in incidences of gender discrimination and violence.
The modules have been developed in online as well as offline formats. The online version is in a self-learning format can be uploaded on a web platform. It is self-paced and has a built-in assessment to test understanding at each level. IDH will be uploading the online version of the learning management system hosted by ABARA, which will be accessible to approximately 2000 field-level staff (including field facilitators) associated with the Better Cotton Growth and Innovation program in India.
The offline toolkit has been created to support trainers who are delivering in-person trainings to the field-level staff. It includes training slides, along with details on activities and teaching notes.
Both toolkits are developed in English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Punjabi, Telugu, and Assamese; for better localization and understanding. They can be used by organizations and/or trainers working closely with farming communities or those implementing agricultural programs. They are aimed to support trainers in their capacity-building efforts to equip farmers and the wider farming community with the awareness and knowledge required to make agriculture inclusive for women farmers and co-farmers.
For a copy of the toolkit in any of the above-mentioned languages, please mail us at