Partnering to expand environmental protection education in the SAVA

In 2015 when GIZ began offering “Train the Trainer” courses in “Kit Mad’ERE” to support teachers to introduce and improve environmental education in the SAVA, Aust &Hachmann’s JHA Fund recognized the opportunity and enrolled three interested Madagascar National Park (MNP) tour guides with whom they had been working.  Those three tour guides trained small groups of teachers for four years when Aust & Hachmann decided to further invest in and expand the program.  In June 2020, Aust & Hachmann teamed up with GIZ, JHA Fund, and CISCO (Circonscriptions Scolaires/ Government School Districts of Madagascar) to train new trainers (and renew training for current trainers) through a certification course.  They increased the number of teachers trained and resourced with the aim to increase the amount of school children reached in the vanilla growing communities in which Aust & Hachmann works in the SAVA.

“KIT MAD’ERE” MAtériel Didactique pour l’Education Relative à l’Environnement (Educational Materials for Environmental Education), is a tool for primary schools developed by the GIZ and the École Normale Supérieure University of Antananarivo to improve teaching methods and introduce environmental education into the primary learning program.  The program aims to support primary school teachers to work more effectively by compiling teaching tools in one easy to carry satchel and equipping teachers with stimulating materials for their pupils, including effective visual aids that help them to introduce environmental education into the school curriculum.

Aust & Hachmann supports JHA Fund’s environmental education goals as part of their  objective of mutual development, which values the insights and culture of the local farmers and their villages as key inputs to improving farming community livelihoods, local environment, and sustainable and quality vanilla. Teaching children in the SAVA to safeguard the environment will make it possible to continue growing the supply of quality sustainable / traceable vanilla to maintain and improve (longer-term) grower incomes, now and into the future.