Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI) signatories release reports of their progress from 2018-2019 towards ending deforestation and restoring forest areas of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.
The progress reports contain data and testimonials from companies, government officials, civil society leaders and farmers that have been working together, since March 2017, to end deforestation and forest degradation in the cocoa supply chain. The reports celebrate achievements, but also emphasizes the road ahead to reach deforestation free cocoa production.
The progress reports are available in three-parts: an aggregated Private Sector Progress Report which highlights company progress since the release of initial company action plans in November 2017 and two country level reports one for Côte d’Ivoire and one for Ghana. These country reports detail all stakeholders’ activities through the voices of government, companies and civil society, as they reflect on what has been accomplished and what is needed as a next step.
Watch this short video for key achievements:
Podcast: Is cocoa’s deforestation-free promise working?
Violaine Berger, Senior Program Manager of the Cocoa & Forests Initiative at IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative discusses the successes and outstanding challenges of combating deforestation in cocoa. Listen now to the Sustainable Food & Drink Podcast – hosted by Lumina Intelligence analyst Oliver Nieburg.