Beyond Chocolate is turning two years old and that requires a celebration. We invite all interested parties to join us on December 10 for the Beyond Chocolate Two-Year Anniversary Webinar.
When? Thursday December 10, 10am-12:30pm
Passcode: 798246
For whom? All interested parties
During this celebratory event, we will look back at what Beyond Chocolate has achieved in the past two years, evaluate what has not yet been achieved and set priorities for the future. The event will be moderated by Climate Without Boarders founder Jill Peeters.
After an introduction by chairman Philippe de Selliers and a brief networking opportunity, we will reflect on the role of Beyond Chocolate in the current COVID-19 crisis. How has this crisis influenced the chocolate sector (both producers and companies), how does this change the way the industry and consumers look at sustainability and what can Beyond Chocolate do to increase the resilience of cocoa farmers? Fairtrade Belgium director Nicolas Lambert, Leonidas CEO Philippe de Selliers and Rikolto Cocoa Coordinator Abdulahi Aliyu enter into debate with each other.
After a short break, Program Manager Charles Snoeck will take over to present the results of the stakeholder interviews he has been taking the past weeks. What is the power of Beyond Chocolate according to our stakeholders? How do they think the impact of the program can increase and what are the priorities for the next years? Based on these conclusions, he will present a vision for 2021 and beyond.
Undoubtedly the further alignment with the other European platforms for sustainable cocoa and the EU cocoa initiative is of primary importance to Beyond Chocolate. We will hear from Beate Weiskopf from GISCO, Christine Müller from SWISSCO and Jordy van Honk for IDH on how to further align the different platforms for more efficient reporting and increased impact. Zoé Druihle, policy officer at the European Commission, will join to discuss the upcoming EU cocoa initiative and the role the National Platforms can play therein.
Lastly, we have had several new signatories sign the partnership the past months. we will welcome them during a celebratory signing ceremony. Each signatory will explain why they are joining the partnership and what exactly they commit to.
You can find the full agenda below. We hope to welcome you at the event!