On Tuesday June 30th from 9h-12h, IDH living income expert Gael Lescornec will lead an interesting online learning event on the subject. All partners of the Beyond Chocolate partnership are welcome to register via this link.
The objective of the learning event is to provide a snapshot of where Beyond Chocolate stakeholders are on enabling living income based on their 2019 reporting, to present the Beyond Chocolate Living Income Roadmap and Framework, to discuss different strategies being explored in the approved project proposals and finally to identify key enablers that drive smart mix solutions to reach living income among cocoa farming households.
- Intro: Beyond Chocolate Living Income Roadmap and AME framework (15 mts)
- Presentations on Living Income strategies from approved Beyond Chocolate project proposals (45 mts)
(8 mts presentations + 5 mts Q&A for each)
- Colruyt: A chainwide collaboration to make living income a reality
- Tony’s: Expand the Open chain sourcing model with Belgium value chain actors
- Cargill: Cocoa-agroforestry and off-farm reforestation as a pathway to improved incomes
- Puratos: Conversion to sustainable organic production as a living income pathway
- Interactive Panel on key enablers that contribute to smart-mix solutions that: (45 mts)
- Increase price (AME component D)
- Improve productivity, diversify incomes and reduce production costs/household expenses (AME component C/E/F)
- Enhancing enabling environment
-> Panelists: Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, Bio Invest)
- Wrap up and next steps (Gael/Els – 15 mts)