We welcome Mondelēz International to our Living Wage Roadmap to help advance living wages in global supply chains and are pleased they also endorse the Call to Action on Living Wage launched by IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative.
Read the complete Mondelez announcement
We recognize rising inequalities and poverty as underlying drivers of other human rights risks. Today we are proud to join forces with leading industry peers and governments through our endorsement of IDH’s call to action to advance living wages in global supply chains, as a further demonstration of our continuation of paying our own employees around the globe a living wage.
Take action towards a living wage
IDH strives to secure living wages through the Roadmap on Living Wages. The Roadmap is developed together with companies, international and sustainability organizations interested in advancing living wage efforts. Through the Roadmap some practical tools are available for those who want to work towards a living wage.
As IDH is supporting partners securing living wage in supply chains across the globe, we aim for more companies to join us in this journey. Helping workers achieve a living wage is a shared responsibility across the entire supply chain. Yet, the business community must be a driving force. That is why we call for action together with a group of companies, and encourage other businesses to join as well.
Now is the time to take a next step towards creating a living wage economy. We applaud Mondelēz International for joining the movement and taking action on living wage. Only together, business, governments and civil society, can we pursue a world where workers are valued, treated equally, and where living wages are an integral part of a sustainable, resilient economy.