Transparency for more sustainable juice through JuicyChain

Eckes-Granini and Refresco, two leading juice players in Europe today announced that they’ve established the JuicyChain Foundation. This nonprofit organization aims to drive global juice supply chain sustainability through further developing the “JuicyChain”, an open source blockchain-based traceability and transparency platform. IDH is acting as an Advisor to the Board of the JuicyChain Foundation.

This new blockchain platform, based on The New Fork’s open food chain platform, has been designed to create added value for all parties involved in the juice supply chain: from growers to processors, bottlers, brand owners, retailers and consumers, and supports a move towards more sustainable juice. All companies in the juice industry can join JuicyChain and share information about sustainable juice easily and efficiently. Consumers and other stakeholders will be able to examine provenance and sustainability data by scanning a unique QR code on a finished juice product.

The New Fork has developed the platform blueprint and are the JuicyChain Foundation’s IT Provider. This blockchain based platform brings transparency to the efforts to increase the sustainability of juice in the industry.

 “The blockchain technology brings us new and exciting possibilities to drive positive change. With the JuicyChain, we are continuing to work on increasing digitalization and sustainability of our business processes.” explains Holger Schlenger, Group CIO at Eckes-Granini.

JuicyChain aims to accelerate the uptake of sustainable juice volumes by providing supply chain transparency and trust and support customer and consumer-facing communication on sustainable juice with minimum entry barriers. JuicyChain members will need to be aligned with the sustainable sourcing definitions under the Sustainable Juice Covenant, hosted by IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative.

More companies are invited

We invite all parties in the juice supply chain to join JuicyChain so that we can further develop the platform together. Join us and be a frontrunner driving traceability, transparency and sustainability in global juice supply chains. As Coert Michielsen, CPO at Refresco says: “By teaming up with others we can move faster towards a common goal of more sustainable juice supply chains and promote the uptake of sustainable juice across the supply chain.”

For more information, please visit the official website