With 2020 coming closer, it is clear that the ambitious objectives of many players concerning no-deforestation in supply chains will not be met. More and more, private sector stakeholders are looking to governments to step up. The EU feasibility study and the public consultation on the communication to stepping up action were welcome steps in Europe and have led to a multitude of suggestions from organizations. However, as governments, you should not wait until that process is finalized; deforestation and the actions against it should remain high on the political agenda.

In the week of the Amsterdam Declaration Partnership Multi-Stakeholder Meeting this June, IDH will present a synthesis report to underline the urgency of action. Together with the reports’ endorsement partners we will analyze the current gap in action and propose concrete suggestions for European governments and industries to move forward. We will discuss the outcomes of this report with fellow Amsterdam Declaration signatory countries, producing country governments (including Argentina, Colombia, Ghana, Indonesia, Ivory Coast & Malaysia,) and our partner organizations and industry associations.

This is an invite-only event.

This dinner is part of a series of events IDH is organizing during the International Sustainability Week Towards Deforestation-free, Sustainable Commodities of the Amsterdam Declaration Partnership.

Contact us for more information

  • Nienke Sleurink

    Program Manager Markets

  • Chih-Ching Lan

    Program officer Markets