
  • IDH Hosts 1st Maharashtra Cotton Water Platform Meeting in Mumbai, India

    The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), supported by 2030 Water Resource Group, held the 1st Maharashtra Cotton Water Platform (MCWP) meeting in Mumbai, India. The MCWP is envisioned to draw from…

    IDH Hosts 1st Maharashtra Cotton Water Platform Meeting in Mumbai, India
  • Let’s keep setting the gender agenda to #PressforProgress

    On International Women’s Day, read here how we together press for progress across global supply chains. In the past months, movements such as #MeToo and #TimesUp have catapulted gender issues…

    Let’s keep setting the gender agenda to #PressforProgress
  • Transparência no Governo é tema de debate com a participação da IDH

    No último dia 27, a IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável participou do encontro “Governo Aberto em Clima, Floresta e Agricultura de Mato Grosso”, realizado pelo ICV – Instituto…

    Transparência no Governo é tema de debate com a participação da IDH
  • IDH compartilha publicação sobre gênero nas cadeias de valor

    Para a IDH, as mulheres são as principais impulsionadoras do crescimento e da sustentabilidade. As práticas de exclusão existentes afetam negativamente as condições de vida das mulheres no campo e…

    IDH compartilha publicação sobre gênero nas cadeias de valor
  • IDH participa do Circuito PMS em Campo em municípios do Vale do Araguaia

    Nos dias 20 e 21 deste mês, a Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável (IDH), uma das financiadoras da Estratégia PCI, se uniu a representantes do setor público, instituições parceiras e…

    IDH participa do Circuito PMS em Campo em municípios do Vale do Araguaia
  • IDH assina carta de intenção em Paragominas e avança na implementação de pacto para produção sustentável na região

    No início deste mês, representantes do setor público de Paragominas, no Pará, produtores rurais locais e o Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (Imazon), assinaram com a Iniciativa para…

    IDH assina carta de intenção em Paragominas e avança na implementação de pacto para produção sustentável na região
  • Vale do Juruena formaliza parceria para implementação da estratégia PCI

    A Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável (IDH) esteve em Juruena, no Mato Grosso, para assinar a Carta de Intenções com representantes públicos e privados locais com o objetivo de formalizar…

    Vale do Juruena formaliza parceria para implementação da estratégia PCI
  • Sustainable Cocoa: from Origin to Dutch market

    On Friday 23th of February IDH launched its new Cocoa Origins Program at the Chocoa Festival in Amsterdam. Cocoa Origin will support users of small volumes of cocoa to become…

    Sustainable Cocoa: from Origin to Dutch market
  • Silas: No more business as usual

    The documentary “Silas” celebrates the true power of individuals that protect their communities against corruption and environmental destruction. The documentary portrays the story of Liberian activist Silas Siakor, who has…

    Silas: No more business as usual
  • Improving working conditions on banana plantations across Ecuador

    The use of an Occupational Health and Safety training manual is currently being piloted in Ecuador, the world’s largest exporter of bananas. Bananas are a key fresh produce category…

    Improving working conditions on banana plantations across Ecuador
  • Beyond Reports and Charts: IDH Donors Engage with Indonesian Smallholders on the ground

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands (BuZa), SECO, DANIDA and NICFI got their on-the-ground insights into responsible oil palm plantation, forest and peat land protection, gender empowerment, coffee farmers’ resilience and…

    Beyond Reports and Charts: IDH Donors Engage with Indonesian Smallholders on the ground
  • On Valentine’s Day, do you know who has sent your flowers?

    Flowers and Plants is one of the sectors, we are working in to provide cross-sector solutions on working conditions, agrochemical use and climate change issues. With the…

    On Valentine’s Day, do you know who has sent your flowers?
  • Good cocoa starts with National Sustainable Curriculum (NSC)

    Indonesia launched a multi-stakeholder based Cocoa National Sustainable Curriculum (NSC) production module in February to help double country’s cocoa production in Indonesia and improve farmer profitability in the next two…

    Good cocoa starts with National Sustainable Curriculum (NSC)
  • Continued commitment of spice companies to sustainable innovation

    Sustainability was recognized as an opportunity for innovation in the Sustainable Spice Initiative (SSI) panel at the International Spice Conference on February 4-7, 2018 in Jaipur, India. The session…

    Continued commitment of spice companies to sustainable innovation