
  • Beyond Reports and Charts: IDH Donors Engage with Indonesian Smallholders on the ground

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands (BuZa), SECO, DANIDA and NICFI got their on-the-ground insights into responsible oil palm plantation, forest and peat land protection, gender empowerment, coffee farmers’ resilience and…

    Beyond Reports and Charts: IDH Donors Engage with Indonesian Smallholders on the ground
  • On Valentine’s Day, do you know who has sent your flowers?

    Flowers and Plants is one of the sectors, we are working in to provide cross-sector solutions on working conditions, agrochemical use and climate change issues. With the…

    On Valentine’s Day, do you know who has sent your flowers?
  • Good cocoa starts with National Sustainable Curriculum (NSC)

    Indonesia launched a multi-stakeholder based Cocoa National Sustainable Curriculum (NSC) production module in February to help double country’s cocoa production in Indonesia and improve farmer profitability in the next two…

    Good cocoa starts with National Sustainable Curriculum (NSC)
  • Continued commitment of spice companies to sustainable innovation

    Sustainability was recognized as an opportunity for innovation in the Sustainable Spice Initiative (SSI) panel at the International Spice Conference on February 4-7, 2018 in Jaipur, India. The session…

    Continued commitment of spice companies to sustainable innovation
  • Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund launches microsite

    We are pleased to announce the launch of Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund (GIF) micro website by Better Cotton Initiative (BCI). The goal of the…

    Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund launches microsite
  • IDH divulga relatório com direcionamentos inovadores para pequenos agricultores

    A IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável lançou o relatório “Driving innovations in smallholder engagement: Insights in service delivery and finance”. O material aponta caminhos para o fortalecimento dos…

    IDH divulga relatório com direcionamentos inovadores para pequenos agricultores
  • Global Coffee Platform aproxima atores da cadeia de café no Brasil

    A atuação da Global Coffee Platform é focada em buscar maior produtividade, aumento da rentabilidade e a inclusão do produtor, especialmente o pequeno, no mercado nacional e internacional. A iniciativa se fortalece…

    Global Coffee Platform aproxima atores da cadeia de café no Brasil
  • O ano para consolidar a Estratégia PCI

    Neste ano, a PCI – Produzir, Conservar e Incluir tem como foco a institucionalização da Estratégia, implementação do seu roadmap e aumento dos investimentos internacionais, trabalhando cada vez mais a…

    O ano para consolidar a Estratégia PCI
  • IDH e PCI fazem visita à Fundação MT

    A IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável, o Diretor Executivo da Estratégia PCI – Produzir, Conservar e Incluir; e o Earth Innovation Institute fizeram uma visita para conhecer à…

    IDH e PCI fazem visita à Fundação MT
  • 2018: um ano decisivo

    Um ano crucial e decisivo. É assim que a IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável enxerga este ano de 2018. “Precisamos trabalhar com nossos parceiros de todos os setores…

    2018: um ano decisivo
  • Reducing water waste in textile industry

    Scaling a proven approach with the Apparel Impact Institute. The recently created Apparel Impact Institute (AII) is modeling its commitment to market led scaling of sustainable practices by jumping into…

    Reducing water waste in textile industry
  • IDH launches the Stawisha Mau Charitable Trust to protect the Mau forest in Kenya

    Through its landscape program (ISLA Kenya), IDH is launching a trust this Friday that will help to jointly restore and conserve 60,000 hectares of the South West Mau Forest by…

    IDH launches the Stawisha Mau Charitable Trust to protect the Mau forest in Kenya
  • Cashew farming in Africa – from backyard hobby to bankable business

    SDM analytics help to increase bankability of cashew farmers in Africa. Over the past five years, IDH, in partnership with ComCashew, have supported the development of smallholder cashew farmers in…

    Cashew farming in Africa – from backyard hobby to bankable business
  • IDH and MVO Nederland join forces at New Years Event

    Despite the stormy weather in the Netherlands over 450 people attended the MVO NL New Years Event, where IDH held two workshops, with a key note by Volkert Engelsman, CEO…

    IDH and MVO Nederland join forces at New Years Event